Upcoming Domain Outage
Hey everyone! We are preparing for a Skule-wide domain outage starting on May 3rd at 6PM. We forsee that this outage will last a few hours, but in the worst case, we have prepared for it to last until May 5th at 11PM.
During the outage:
- ALL *.skule.ca websites cannot be accessed! This includes sites like skule.ca and courses.skule.ca
- ALL *.skule.ca emails will not send or receive emails! This means emails may bounce or be deleted.
We understand that this is a significant inconvenience for everyone, and would like to assure you that we will do everything in our power to reduce the duration of the outage. Unfortunately, the outage results from a necessary migration away from Google Domains, which is being shut down.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at webmaster@skule.ca.
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