Club Resources

Club Affiliation Committee

The Club Affiliation Committee (CAC) is responsible for reviewing applications from student groups who want to be affiliated with the Engineering Society (EngSoc). Affiliation allows clubs to receive EngSoc funding and use EngSoc resources like marketing channels and lockers.

The committee is chaired by the VP Student Life and the members include the VP Finance, the Design Team Association (DTA) director as well as members from the EngSoc Board of Directors and at-large members of the Engineering Society i.e. any interested undergraduate engineering student.

The committee reviews applications in various rounds throughout the school year usually around August, September and January but also has special meetings throughout the year. If you have any questions about the committee or if you are interested in starting a new club, please reach out to the VP Student Life at

Committee Members

Name Role
Joy Lai VP Student Life
Bo Zhao VP Finance
Josea Tarulli DTA Director
Rebecca Ing Board Member
Novera Ahmed General Member
Inho Kim General Member