Associated Entities
These organization and positions are non-EngSoc organizations that are closely tied to EngSoc because of their contributions to the Skule community. Each Associated Entity has at least one point of contact with EngSoc, who is part of the EngSoc Council. The method by which they are elected or appointed varies based on their position.
Engineering Athletics Association
EAA President Meme Liu
Works with VP Student Life
The Engineering Athletics Association runs intramural sports for engineering students at the University of Toronto.Their sports teams compete against other colleges and faculties. EAA also runs leagues for sports between disciplines,as well as sports-focused events.
Lady Godiva Memorial Bnad
Seenyur Bnad Leedur Ewan Wai
Works with VP Student Life
Leading the LGMB along with their Drum Majur and Joonyur Bnad Leedur, the Bnad Leedur spreads Skule spirit through open events that anyone can join in. Including you! These events are held regularly throughout the year and are a great way to blow off some steam, make new friends or just show your Skule spirit loud and proud. Will play and sing for food and BEvERages!
Skulepedia Entry
Ye Olde Mighty Skule Cannon
Chief Attiliator *thou wisheth!*
Works with the President
Blue & Gold Committee
Blue & Gold Committee Chairs Aidan Castanheiro & Kaija Mikes
Works with VP Student Life
Skule Nite
Skule Nite Director Thomas Dell
Works with VP Student Life
University of Toronto Governing Council
Full-Time Undergraduate Student Governor Nelson Lee
Works with the President
You’re Next Career Network
YNCN President Hannah Kot
Works with the President